Banana Oatmeal Muffins for Mother's day
It excites me when I find a reason or inspiration to cook something special. Baked banana oatmeal muffins for Mother's day about more than a month ago.
I went around searching theme, found bunch of yellow and orange roses that matched the recipe and felt perfect for Mother's day. One special ingredient in this recipe is sun-dried banana, brought from newly opened organic shop in my city, which has too many goodies. This is an eggless recipe, to keep up the promise for my eggless chicks :)
From organic food shop- hydrated vegetable chips, healthy snacks - loved it!
Last year when mum visited me in Finland, we celebrated Mother's day in a very special way, went on a holiday trip to Stockholm by cruise. Sailing through the Baltic Sea and spending days in sunny Stockholm was indeed a trip to remember. Knowing I could never rewind my life I made the best use of mum's stay with me in Finland. This was beautiful stage where, myself and mum spent the days more than friends, we spoke endlessly, giggled and cooked for each other. Week day's mum fed me healthy scrumptious food. During weekends I broke all the rules and made all the unhealthy and extra delicious food.
This year, I kept all memories fresh in mind and made these muffins and dutifully sent her pictures, along with a book from M.I.L.K photography collection named "Dear Mum" as a surprise gift and sincerely ate all muffins by myself. And these were few lines I wrote for her
One soul who felt us growing, unceasingly nurturing us till today without a hitch.
A daughter will be adored by Father, she will perceive him ever to stay protected.
But it's Mother, who she always wants to see herself as.
You strong eminent lady, taught us blind faith and doped courage within us.
Hope for life and self confidence through self respect.
The day when we reached lower levels,
You kindled with your strong thought provoking words,
Which we initially assumed as rage you showed.
As we grew, understood your method to make us tough and wise.
Mom, you our little baby, on the hands of your daughters,
Lay on back on us and rest a while, it's our time to nurture you.
Our Dearest Mom, we will there for you even if earth wearies off!
These muffins are best for breakfast and you might notice I have glass of milk in background for most of the pictures. This is to emphasis, how important milk is for women after menopause, they are in need of calcium to prevent osteoporosis. Don't forget to share this information with your mum and don't wait for an opportunity to live life, create one, enjoy to fullest and cherish when it becomes past.