My Papa best, my papa best is the
only advertisement (remember dhara ad?) breezes through my mind, just with the thought of my papa!. I'm sure every son and daughters in the world would feel the same.
Right from the days as little girls (me and my sister) till the date my sis got married and I moved to Finland, we have stayed completely over protected, right under the shadow of dad, hardly did we know what the world was. Our world used to revolve around, mum, dad, school and college. We still are quite tightly knitted family. Never did we have the feeling of want nor any desire since it was already there for us when it has to be. No we weren't spoiled but they thought us where our limits should be. Moving far from them has been a challenging but a beautiful learning experience.
It was just me and sis who never learnt how to drive bi-cycle amongst all my cousin's since he feared, what if we fall. Later when I moved to Finland, bike (cycle) being only easy medium of transport I had to learn biking during late twenties, my dad was so much worried how will I manage alone since it was all uphill and down the slope. At the same time, he was SO proud when I learnt, till date he keeps checking if the gears and breaks are in good condition and did I buy helmet? No I still didn't...oh I dislike, it spoils my hair.
He is our pillar strength to all we wanted to achieve in our lives, he never let any thorns to come across in order to make our path smooth. Just becoz I hate travelling in bus and car he takes me everywhere in his bike, is one such example. As much as today whenever I go to India, myself, dad and niece (only she wears helmet ha ha) we go on a very long drive, talking hundred of stories, buying all the fav food from restaurants and street food, convincing mum if I fall sick he will take me to doc.

Like I mentioned earlier, what I enjoy the most with papa is to have endless talk/discussion/argument over many things. He is a intellectual person with an excellent command over language and stunning hand writing. Now an honest confession, I'm never good with language, stood last in all dictation test and language exams. I used to make (still do) millions of spelling mistakes when I write, you might have noticed the trait in my blog. Pops has been helping me right from school days. After moving to Finland we have been exchanging quite a lot of emails where he has been correcting and polishing, I'm still learning. Having grown so much in this area is just becoz of HIM! I wish I had few percentage of command over language of what he has sigh! The trick is that he asks me to read a lot and maintain a dairy to note down all the new words I come across, which has helped me to improve, hopefully more in the future.
So papa, here is our fav breakfast, sunny side up (bulls eye as we call it in India) as much as we both love it, mum and sis run away from it. Never mind, wish you were here with me over a cup of tea, fav food, loud music and endless talk I miss you!. You are our hero, our strength, our hope and THE one who we always look up in Life. We love you! Happy Pop's day!
One thing my friend Elisabeth's dad said to me was, "no matter what, always remember to walk on the sunny side of the life! To all the best dads in the world happy fathers day!"
And to my reader Sofie, thanks for ur comments and asking me to improve more on my writing skills, thanks a lot felt very encouraging. Will take best effort to get it done, you will see it future! :)
Toasted bread, with sunny side (cook the egg more if you don't like runny egg yolk) have kept my yolk in medium consistency and some marmalade...And indeed glass of milk or tea, choose urs. Happy breakfast!